Author: Janel

  • But Where Shall I Post

    But Where Shall I Post

    Kinda irritated with X again.

    Here’s what I was gonna post. (I’ll put the bitching after.)

    I was gonna say something along the lines:
    “VASAviation, first best source for airplane oops news! The airline hasn’t released the gender of the pilots yet but it’s not all female, like the silly videos going around that Jeff’s been watching claim. You can hear the cockpit chaos and the yelling is male. I mean, wouldn’t it be great if sober, rested, well paid, grown up white men who had been hired for their test scores had never managed to oops an airplane?”

    But told me “you have reached your daily limit for this action. Add your phone number to remove the limit” when I hadn’t even (successfully) posted anything (it was 6:15 am when I started this process).

    And why do they need my phone number?

    I’ve had a NO going on about that since always. See post from 2012 when White Mountain Puzzles wouldn’t mail the (physical, tangible) jigsaw puzzle I had ordered unless I gave them a phone number.

    All of my enemies already have my phone number, I just don’t like the cheek of these small time entities who think disclosure should be default.

    Oh yeah, back when I was wondering why the Trumpster doesn’t have his own site? Then he made one. I tried to join it, just out of idle curiosity. Nope, not without a phone number and YOUR FREE GOOGLE VOICE NUMBER ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH IT HAS TO BE YOUR REAL ONE.

    Not that curious.

    My darling gets up and vaguely remembers me playing him cockpit recordings at 5am. He says, “So, you came across some phony recording with voice actors, claiming that wasn’t a planeful of girls?”

    Right. This must be the real one XD

    [Edit end of Mar 2025 – to add the funniest thing I ever saw in my LIFE, in perfect whiteguy-ese!

    <– end of edit]

    Okay let’s share stuff.

    I decided to switch over and be an X fangirl when I heard about Elon Musk refusing to censor reality! And posted away, happily, for a while, but now they want my phone number, so I’m out on the sidewalk. Again.

    Here’s what I would have shared on X today.

    Cried. I WEPT over that. So much sadness. The glory of an era being led away to her grave, and still beautiful.

    When you’re done crying, read the top comments and get ready to bawl some more as the old mariners put the sadness into poetry.

    Look at that beautiful ship compared with one of the silly new ones in the background, and she was double the speed, too.

    Edit: I stand corrected and beg your pardon. The purpose of a cruise ship is not to get from point A to point B, so the speed doesn’t matter. The cruise ship is itself part of the destination, so it’s okay if it goes at the speed of the floating apartment complex it resembles.

    United States could cross the ocean in four days. Compare to QM2 (now our last ocean liner) that does it in seven, but again, probably okay since it’s for people for whom time is not the biggest factor. Is your first thought that money might be? But QM2 isn’t more expensive than a flight! –as long as you buddy up, since it’s ppdo.

    I think I shared this at one point. It’s 15 seconds of intense life lesson to not do things you’re not supposed to do.

    And a funny. Perfect white people entertainment, there. Watch to the end.

    Social media applications mobile screen“/ CC0 1.0

    Cuz I need a featured image for my index page feng shui. Boy is that image from old times to have Google Plus on it. I miss Google Plus. I’ve been floundering around ever since that went byebye.

  • Laundry in Pioneer Days

    Laundry in Pioneer Days

    Yikes! I’ve gone silent again. This must be resisted.

    Of course it’s all more difficult now. There are more steps between me and communication. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Say “NO” to a huge explanation of how the silence came about. Pick a topic and start talking. Laundry!

    Dry camping is no big deal. They had it tougher crossing the prairies, and yet they managed to post on their blogs, using cast-iron tools. I can, too. And I can do the laundry. When we first came here, we used the laundromat in town but… come on. No fun.

    The laundromat’s kinda yucky, and the atmosphere is hit or miss. The last time I went, there was a mated pair having such intense disharmony that it had to be carried on right there in front of the dryers, in accusing, bitter tones. I didn’t need to understand the language to get the general drift. I felt only slightly more miserable having to stay there and witness it than the principles sounded carrying it on.

    After that I came home, squirted some blue Dawn in a bucket of water, washed my clothes and hung them on the line. It was one dress, a pair of socks and a couple washcloths, and hanging on a line in the woods looked so picturesque I could have just exploded with how cute it was and how proud I was of myself. Why didn’t I take a picture? Anyway I took a picture several loads later, when it was becoming a thing and I was getting my act together.

    I found a new gadget for laundry! Turns out they had them in olden times. I’ve seen them in museums and not known what they were. “Cone-shaped thing on a long stick.”

    This isn’t an ad. I put this picture here. This fellow’s face expresses my feelings better than my face would.

    In retrospect, after using it several times and figuring out how to be more efficient about everything, I didn’t really need it. One of Jeff’s old oars works about as well for skooshing the clothes around in the tub. Modern laundry soap is what really does the job. But the gadget helped with hope and enthusiasm at the beginning, so that was good.

    The “backbreaking labor” part of the proposition is not so much the scrubbing, but the lifting and wringing of wet clothes. They get sooooo heavy, esp the denim trousers and flannel sheets. I could buy a wringer sometime maybe.

    Meanwhile, that big black container in the center of the picture is a garden pot that had a bunch of holes drilled in it. I drilled even more holes, coiled a big rope on the ground beneath it, dumped my sopping wet clothes in there, and stomped around on em with my bare feet as if treading out the wine. That gets them quite well squeezed out.

    On my first try, that folding plastic table was too low, so I was bent over to scrub, and that contributed to the exhaustion. Now there’s a great pallet that Jeff fixed for me that puts the table at the perfect height.

    So here’s the procedure. First, I inspect the item for stains, because they don’t show when it gets wet. Then wet it, put it on the table and scrub those spots with a brush dipped in diluted dish soap (easy on the hands). Then the clothes go into a 5-gal bucket with modern commercial laundry detergent mixed up pretty strong. Yay for chemicals! Hands don’t go in there. Skoosh with the gadget for a few minutes. Leave and do something else. Come back and skoosh some more, then dump the whole load into the drainer. Do something else. Come back and throw the mostly-dripped clothes into the rinse water. Then back in the drainer and stomp all over them! Rinse again, stomp again. That gets the heavy weight of water out but they’re still very wet, so I throw the garments on the line sideways. They’re going to stretch out, but it’s okay because they’re stretching widthwise. I come back after they’ve dried a bit and rotate them.

    And fun??? Absolutely delightful. I wake up in the morning on laundry day like, “oh boy guess what I get to do today!!” In my lovely sunny woods with my dog wanting the stick thrown and my husband working nearby. He even told me once that I look cute doing the laundry.


    The biggest surprise from all this is the PRIDE when you wash clothes yourself. Can’t say “oh the washer didn’t get it very clean.” If it isn’t very clean, nobody failed but me. So I get the stains out. Jeff’s heavy carpenter jeans come out CLEAN and bright blue. His white t-shirts come out mostly sparkling white, at least no longer as icky looking as formerly. He told me when I started trying this that if the clothes just come out not sweaty any more, that’s all we need. I never expected my washing to be cleanER.

    I took this picture of the 7-gal boxes we use for carrying the potable water inside. There’s other water in those big square IBC tanks for laundry. We use the IBC to carry water up from town, then drain it into the big potable tank, that Jeff put such a lovely modern faucet on, that I can connect a hose and fill the boxes up myself. The leftover water in the IBC is for doing laundry with.

    It’s all so much fun! So independent! We are pioneers.

    We had to walk away from all that other nonsense and just head out west (it was located towards the east) and start a new life. Hard work is part of the deal but that’s okay. We can hold our heads up now. It was TEOTWAWKI, the end of the world as we knew it.

    Both of us were preppers in our own little way, and now it’s time to use all those things we’d been collecting. Jeff’s old manual tools and my manual sewing machine come in handy. Wool blankets and candles are useful now.

    I think we have maybe more practical skills than average, and yet when we got out here and actually tried it, we did some things the dumb way or the hard way at first.

    Everybody wants to do this! And yet, if things hadn’t gone wrong just right in our last gig, we wouldn’t have “had no choice but” to come out here and sink or swim.

    I’ve always wanted to head for the wild woods and carve out a home, but when the time came for it to begin to be reality, I might have chickened out, if I could have.

    Some people have to play games like these to simulate this experience. We’re doing it!

    There we are. That’s my darling and me.

    That one had on its loading screen, “All we need is love! And wide-open spaces of prairie.”

    We have love and just a little patch of woods 🙂

  • The New Phone Takes Better Pictures

    The New Phone Takes Better Pictures

    Wow I’ve been having technology adventures! I talked about the printer already, or maybe I have yet to. Then there’s the phone. I had to switch to Verizon, and my Galaxy A11 wasn’t compatible. Long story and a couple hundred bucks in fees for the new free phone, I guess it’s all settled down now, and my data works better. We have cell service only when we plug in the signal booster.

    We were so leery about that “WE Boost”, since we’d read so many bad reviews, and we unpacked it carefully, keeping all the material for the return we fully expected, but then plugged it in et voila, five bars! It works great, but boy, it sucks the juice. My little folding solar panel is enough for our needs if we’re very conservative and if I’m out there babysitting it all day long, moving it to wherever the sun’s shining, but I can’t run the booster for very long. The idea is plug it in, download a bunch of stuff, unplug.

    We have to work for our communication, here. That’s part of why I needed “Playground” set up with the Postie plugin so I can post by email with pictures. I can compose offline at leisure, then upload everything efficiently. It’s good! At least it’s better than writing by hand and then waiting for your friends’ reply to come around the Horn.

    It’s not really 1840.

    Question for self. “If you COULD suddenly be in 1840, would you?”

  • Chocolate chip birthday cake

    Chocolate chip birthday cake

    My mother would let us pick our birthday cake. My sister always had Bonbon Ribbon Torte (layers of thin cookie with raspberry sauce and whipped cream), my brother liked pineapple upside down cake, and I wanted chocolate chip cake. The recipe was something my sister clipped out of a magazine back in the 60s.

    Here we are.

    Chocolate Chip Cake

    2 eggs
    1/2 cup butter
    1 cup sugar
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 cup sour cream
    1 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp baking soda
    2 cups flour
    12 oz choc chips

    Cream soft ingredients together, combine dry and mix.

    Bake in greased and floured cake pan at 350° for 45 min or until a toothpick comes out clean.

    Let’s have a photo of RV baking!

  • Decorating with butterflies!

    Decorating with butterflies!

    I had a butterfly apron I couldn’t use for an apron because I don’t like the shape. I was waiting for some use for the butterflies as motifs. Finally, the first use! Patching a hole in a screen. I zigzagged around the butterfly, then tacked it to the screen by hand. When the sun comes through, it looks intentional!

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Testing, testing. Welcome to WordPress. This is WP on JANEL.

    Here’s an image from WP’s cool new free images thingie “Openverse”, complete with an attribution which makes it look like I can be bothered.

    Flowers Field” by Jon Phillips/ CC0 1.0

    Yep, that’s me kinda, hehe

    Kind reproducing after kind, is that even allowed these days?

    It’s a lovely, wholesome concept from a game!

    Just like me and my sweetie 🙂

    That’s us! That’s exactly what it feels like!

    I haven’t gotten over being grateful that I get to experience a lovely relationship with a sweet, understanding man of my own free choice. I married him because I wanted to and because I thought it was a good idea. Everybody should do that at least once in life!

  • My FABBDAlous webpage

    My FABBDAlous webpage

    Messing around with WordPress and having SO MUCH FUN!

    I was recently upgraded to version 6.1 while I wasn’t watching (away from keyboard for a while, but automatic updates had been left on) and wouldn’t be all that happy about it except that I’m a WP fan and therefore enthusiastic about whatever they do. Full site editing is the latest thing. I tangled with that for a whole day or two without any luck, then after banging my head against every wall in sight, discovered a series of useful new-to-me things, both related and un.

    I had recently installed a WP for my Vicky, promising her that it’s easy and fun and then it turned into everything else but that, because it only takes a few months to suddenly not know what you’re doing any more. Full site editing is too bleeding edge for me, I guess.

    But Vicky came up with the FAIRY theme, and it’s every bit as clean and simple as the Basic theme (no kidding, that’s the name of it) that I had been using before, but more up to date. We’re back to the good old days of crop a banner to these dimensions, pick some colors and then get on with our lives. It took me half an hour to produce a brilliant pink candy cane theme from a random image of flowers from Wiki Commons.

    To get the images right I downloaded a bunch of “free, easy” image crop things, but eventually they all failed and I had to revert to ibisPaint. I had been avoiding that because I didn’t know how to use it, but after ten minutes of really trying, I started to get it to work and it’s AMAZING and does so much more, not only cropping to dimensions, but semi-transparent layers, clone brushing, etc. And it works offline! I have a new tool!

    Speaking of offline. I’ve been wishing and searching for some way to compose posts offline, other than copying and pasting text and assembling with pictures later. Up at my cold new home there’s just one place on the hill where the phone gets signal, not enough to make calls, but texts go through, and emails if they’re brief enough. I can even load images if they’re small enough. But it’s so cold! I don’t want to stand out there a minute longer than necessary. I’d like to compose a post inside where it’s warm, then go outside to the signal spot and hit UPLOAD. I still need to share my fabbdalous nonsense with the world!

    The WordPress app does work offline, for composing posts, and queuing images for upload, but cannot, as far as I can see, do both at the same time. Can’t add an image from your device into the post and then upload – or it’s, “failure: image not loaded”. Also can’t upload images in one session and add them to the post in the next – the Media tab forgets them and there’s no way to insert them because, “failure: not connected”. Hmph.

    Bouncing around ideas, I even thought for a while of good old html and a text editor. I could share a link to a directory with some basic pages and pictures, then go up to the phone zone, fire up FTP and… argh, there we are, fiddling in the cold with hurting fingers.

    Then I found the solution! Posting by email, YAYYY! The “Postie” plugin. They mention “journalists in foreign countries” as the ones who may find this feature useful, but it’s also cool in other cold places, like up on my hill where EMFs are only frying your brains, just a little bit, in one spot.

    Now I have this FABBDAlous new theme, AND I can throw some content at it from anywhere!

    That came from analyzing my picture of flowers. One of the light pinks happens to be #fabbda.


    Nov 2023. Found out Fairy is nagware, and there’s no rage like love to hatred turned. Just when I thought the whole theme thing was settled and not on my to-do list any more, Fairy started popping up with the most ANNOYING messages, top and center of the WP dashboard:

    “Hey there! We notice you’ve been using Fairy for some time…” and a request for payment. The way it’s phrased reminds me of a security guard posted at the store entrance: “Hey there! I notice you have an item tucked under your arm…”

    I complained on the Fairy theme message board and had a long, frustrating convo with the devs who insist the messages can be got rid of. Sure they can, until next time you sign in.

    Anger about that was just the motivation I needed to get me off my lazy butt and do a little bit of reading about FSE. Guess what, I figured it out!

    I’m now using Twenty Twenty Three and absolutely love it. Just a bit of work to get over the hump, and now I feel like WordPress is back the way it should have been all along except UNLIMITED power and control. You can make your site look exactly the way you envisioned it, starting from scratch, as easy as drawing a layout on a blank canvas. This is better than CSS alone, better than any super-customizer theme (I’ve tried all of those). You can customize as much or as little as you please.

    Wah-hoo, I’m so excited about 6.2! By the time I write this, 6.4 and it just keeps getting better and better.

  • Isn’t It Beautiful

    Isn’t It Beautiful

    I’m moving all the posts from my old website to this one. These were mostly miscellanea I uploaded for testing.

    Isn’t this the perfect pinecone? Freshly fallen, nicely rounded, light color brown.

    I love pine trees. It’s been so long since I was among them! Just those stupid boring Douglas firs on the other side.

    Only after posting the picture I notice you can see the patch on my skirt. “Sign of authenticity.”

    This is my faithful sweet puppy, Peanut. I bring him with me everywhere because he’s shaped like the perfect neck pillow  🙂

    I was keeping an eye open for a larger ash pan, and here’s this huge thing at Costco. So beautiful with a refreshing winter scene with nothing about Christmas. Nowadays metal ash pans come with bonus cookies inside them.

    Here’s the cool pink wedge I bought!

    I bought my darling a new felling wedge and then immediately ruined it myself by using it for splitting because there weren’t any steel ones around.  I was “only going to use it to push the two pieces apart” and then used it for several and then got mad at a certain round that didn’t want to be splat (proper English past tense of split) and cracked the thin edge. So I was on the lookout for a new one, and this was half the price of most of them and PINK.

    Later learned you can actually grind down and sharpen the edges of those things just as if they were steel instead of plastic, so the other one isn’t a total loss and this just adds to his collection!

  • Bear Croon and Bear Drool

    Bear Croon and Bear Drool

    What on earth caused this? Who could have poked these holes in our water jug? Maybe a woodpecker? 
    I couldn’t imagine any dog that could reach up that high and make just those two distinct holes without any damage from the other teeth. 

    We puzzled over it for a while, then looked at the other side of the table. Our visitor left tracks.

    With bears in mind, here’s a video I’ve been thinking of making for a while, about a poor bear that sang on the day it died.

    I’ve looked a bit on the internet but I don’t see much about bear song. Only “singing bears” in variety shows.

    I looked it up later and found that bears croon to comfort themselves when they are stressed. Wouldn’t they do it in a zoo, then, and someone could capture it on video? If you know where there might be a recording of bear croon, do tell me about it. I couldn’t find anything.

    Well, I’ve heard it, and if that’s really such a rare thing, then it seems like I should share what it sounded like. I can’t mimic it exactly. The intervals were not like ours. It was four notes over and over, high down somewhere between a fourth and fifth lower, then up a bit then again, even lower.

    I want to add a funny detail. It was after the bear was dead and its body being winched up onto a trailer. My goodness but it stank!

    Only little Cindy had been free earlier in the night and treed the bear by herself. Now all three dogs were loose and they danced around the dead bear, growling fearsomely. You should have seen the silly things, with their hair standing up all over their bodies; not just their hackles but all over, so they looked like one of those “Here’s a cow that’s been washed and blow dried” pictures.

    I would also like to mention fear of bears. Somehow my darling is under the impression that I am scared of bears. I’ve heard him say it a few times, for instance when neighbors talk about a bear coming through their backyard, and he’ll say, “Don’t let her hear that!”

    I eventually addressed it. “Do you mean ME?”

    Then he tried to use logic to prove to me that I am afraid of bears.

    Am I afraid of bears? Have I said so?

    He says I have.

    Hmmm. Well I do say things sometimes and not remember it later.

    Apparently in Washington our chances are one in two million of being killed by a bear. Our chances are one in one hundred of being killed in a car accident, that is ONE PERCENT which is terrible, and yet we all hit the road without a second thought. If we ever saw a bear munching on a person we’d call ourselves traumatized, but we’re used to seeing ambulances driving away from car crashes.

    The video shows me jump when a branch snaps behind me. But I am sitting where there was a bear less than 12 hours earlier. I think some caution is reasonable. At least as much caution as if I was filming on a lawn chair in the middle of a county road. Is there a car coming?

    At the end of the video I said I’m CHECKIN’, with an apostrophe rather than a G. I didn’t say “I’m chicken.”

    After all, there might have been a person behind me. The chances of being killed by a male human age 18 to 24 whom you randomly encounter in the woods are far greater than when meeting a bear under similar circumstances. Hundreds of people are shot every year by hunters in this country, and a dozen or so killed, while bears average three. That last statistic seems the most relevant since there, at least, we’re limiting by people who were out in the woods.

    But I have fewer stone hard opinions than I used to. I might be wrong. I might be afraid of bears.

    Wolves, now. I tell ya what, the idea of wolfies kinda creeps me out. I don’t like the thought of the whole pack of bad doggies circling around with their hungry, glowing eyes, waiting for the fire to die down so they can crunch up my amazing hands for the calorie value. I read about that in Jack London when I was too young.

    What did I do with the water that was in that container? Water is a precious commodity, so I didn’t waste it, although I did set it apart, labeled appropriately.


    There. Just came across what happened to the poor creature all those years ago.

    Nothing says “ancient times” like a bear skin on your bed, and I wanted that. But I was fourteen. Some adult paid a bunch of money to have that poor creature made into this. It’s only a poor joke, if you ask me, as the bear didn’t look like that at any point, only hummed sadly all night and then died. A waste of money and a waste of a bear. What use is making its skull into a trip hazard? It was on the floor very briefly, then went into a box, and eventually was sold.

  • Wisdom of the West

    Wisdom of the West

    Last time I walked down to that Little Free Library, I had a pile to donate and I wasn’t intending to pick anything up. But then there was this. “The Wisdom of the West” compiled by Criswell Freeman. I opened it and found several pertinent sayings that I ought to try to remember. I walked away, then walked back and picked up the book.

    “I would rather live as we do, in a sod house we own, than to rent and have someone boss us around.”

    This is the heart of the matter. I’ve dreamed my whole life of a place where I could feel like I belong there. I belong with the darling of course and would live with him under a bridge if necessary; but it would also be peachy to have a home assigned on earth. This is where Janel goes. When we are done playing with Janel, we put her back here.

    We finally have a chance to own our own place without obligation. That’s the big dream and doesn’t have to include the creature comforts, hehe, it’s all about surviving that first winter, and if you’re lucky, write a book about it later. Now I get to do that, too.

    “Where would you go? Back to the place where you were dissatisfied before you came out here?”

    This is a concept that might help me at the new place when I begin to get cold. In fact, I think it already has. We were out there camping for two weeks when it was 24 degrees. I sometimes wished I could go– well, not home, this is home!

    Not back. Anything but that.

    After only a couple weeks, I did begin to wish I could go inside. We’ll have an “inside” soon enough. In the meantime, ONWARD.

    “People on the Pacific Coast think of themselves as belonging to the “coast”; the “West” is quite something else again.”

    We have been marveling and giggling over the concept of heading east to get to the West.

    I spent my early years deep in the heart of the old West, far south of here in gold country, where except for the cars and telephones it was still 1849. That place was excellent in all ways except that it was, unfortunately, politically situated in Cali (cough) Forn (cough) – sorry, I can’t say it. If the State of Jefferson ever became reality, I’d move back there instantly, but for now, no.

    Anyhoo the West was alive there and I loved it. But right now we’re heading eastwards inside our good old birthplace WA, to get back to something a bit more West.

    “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

    Right. There are so many limitations, but we have “a lot” and we can do “all kinds of things” and it is deeply satisfying to do as much as possible with what we have, rather than to just stay stuck. Knowing you’re doing everything you can do is all that’s necessary to be able to sleep at night.

    “We have learned to follow the customs of the country, and get along as best we can with what we have.”

    Exactly. I dunno about the customs, I’ve never been good at that. But I’m def making do with the things that I have. Funny, but I think I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. I’ve scoffed at spoiled American women, and yet when it came time to leave “civilization”, it turned out I’d been comfortable there so long, I had started to get a bit dependent. Well, I’ve scoffed too much to deserve any sympathy. Toughen up.

    Can’t we live without hot running water? Can’t we wake up cold and make a fire like our ancestors did, who craved freedom? Yes! If that’s the price of freedom, then absolutely yes, and that’s a cheap price.

    Can’t we do without the internet? ::cries::

    I’ve collected candles all my life. Whenever I saw someone’s used wedding tapers on the giveaway table, I picked them up. Now I finally get to need them. And the wool blankets, I’m gonna need those, and warm quilted clothing, for real. I have a self-constructed hand crank sewing machine for exactly this exigency! In case there’s no more electricity. There’s no more electricity, so yay.

    I was one of many who was a bit crestfallen when Y2K didn’t happen. I was hoping for TEOTWAWKI while I was still young. And now, here it is! Because I brought it on myself.

    “A dose of adversity is often as needful as a dose of medicine.”

    It’s true. I can feel it coming. A bit of actual discomfort might just do wonders for my seething. There’s no time to be nuts when you need to carry some water to wash dishes and get the firewood in before dark.

    “The cowards never started.”

    That means I’m already a winner.